Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Success Of The American Revolution - 881 Words

The years 1776 and 1789 were two pivotal years for oppressed citizens. In America, the citizens were fed up with the totalitarian monarchy of England who continuously taxed them. The American colonies wanted their freedom from England because they no longer had a say in England’s government, but were still forced to follow its laws. Thomas Jefferson, the head of the committee to later drafted America’s demand for freedom, went so far as to call England an â€Å"absolute tyranny.† Americans knew their break from England would lead to a war—the American Revolution—but continued to up rise. This lead to many revolts and finally concluded with the creation of The Declaration of Independence in 1776. Likewise, in France, the citizens were also being subjugated by the French government. The French people had been through many years of a â€Å"deteriorate[ing] economy, poor harvest, and pressure from the Nobility,† and quite frankly had had enough. The French economy was in an immense debt from helping the Americans win their freedom from England, and now Louis XVI was heavily taxing the people. To make matter worse, the past year’s harvest had been a failure resulting in famine and even more aggravated citizens. The third estate—made up by the peasants—formed the National Assembly because they believed that their political ignorance was why bad things kept happening. Therefore, in 1789, the French people drafted The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen to rid their oppressors.Show MoreRelatedThe Success Of The American Revolution1633 Words   |  7 PagesVolumes of scholastic literature, circulated history books, and an array of multiple sourc es acknowledge Frances’ contributory role in the success of the American Revolution. Prior to discussing their role in the American Revolution, it is important to mention their historical past in the colonies in order to understand why they intervened on behalf of the continentals. 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