Friday, January 3, 2020

The Inferno And The Systems Theory - 1220 Words

Dante’s Inferno is an allegorical tale that reflects a tumultuous time in Florence. The Inferno reflects the common thinking of religion and Christianity at the time and through examination of both the Inferno and the systems theory, a better understanding of life in Florence, at that time, can be better comprehended. The systems theory is a model that explores the intertwined aspects of a given civilization. Dante’s Inferno details aspects of the systems theory that can be used to better understand the world in which Dante lived, especially the political chaos and religious values, through the allegorical use of political figures, varying degrees of eternal punishments, as well as the hierarchy of punishments and levels of hell. One of the elements of the systems theory that is made apparent in the Inferno is the social and political spectrum. The story is set a few years before the multiple political debacles occur, allowing Dante to seemingly predict what is to be the future demise of Florence. Dante describes the political hell of Florence by using political figures and enemies as inhabitants of various levels of hell, some serving as prophets, and occasionally Dante himself serves as a prophet. â€Å"†¦until the Greyhound comes, who shall make her perish in her pain. † Dante predicts in the early pages of the Inferno that a Greyhound will rise up and slay the She-wolf, which is a representation of the corrupt papacy. Throughout the story, Dante refers to Florence as theShow MoreRelatedDante s The Divine Comedy866 Words   |  4 PagesDante’s Inferno where each level of Hell has people facing atonement for their respective sins during their life. As Dante gets deeper into Hell the s ins that are being atoned for get progressively worse (as does their punishment). 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