Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Critical Asssignement Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Critical Asssignement - Assignment Example Phoneme is considered as the basic unit of sound and phonology is the science of sound. Semantics denote the meaning of a language. In this regard, morpheme is the basic unit of sound to carry meaning. Another major components, which is pragmatics is the study of the use of language. Furthermore, it also deals with the intention behind the utterance. Again, the syntax is another component, which deals with the study of the organization of a language. The intention behind this is to create grammatically correct sentences (Evans, 2009). The implications of these parts or components are to produce a meaningful vocal activity that would lead to the understanding of the expression by the other person. The use of proper components leads to a meaningful communication and would lead to the effective sharing of thoughts and feelings (Byram, 1994). Moreover, it is also essential to considered that language depends significantly upon the situation in which it is used. If the situation is serious and involves the people who are unknown, then it is very likely to use the formal language. On the other hand, if the situation is casual and the people involved are known, then the use of informal language is often expected. It is also observed that people use more formal language while writing and informal language during speaking. Furthermore, language also depends upon the context in which the language is being used. In this regard, it is also been observed that words in different context have different meanings. In addition, it is also to be noted that language is used to understand and access to different cultures in the world. Also, due to the presence of diverse culture, the languages used by people of different culture also vary significantly. Furthermore, with the difference in age of people the language speaks by people tends to differ. It has been observed that the language that a child speaks is different from the language of an adult person. The

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