Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Critical Asssignement Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Critical Asssignement - Assignment Example Phoneme is considered as the basic unit of sound and phonology is the science of sound. Semantics denote the meaning of a language. In this regard, morpheme is the basic unit of sound to carry meaning. Another major components, which is pragmatics is the study of the use of language. Furthermore, it also deals with the intention behind the utterance. Again, the syntax is another component, which deals with the study of the organization of a language. The intention behind this is to create grammatically correct sentences (Evans, 2009). The implications of these parts or components are to produce a meaningful vocal activity that would lead to the understanding of the expression by the other person. The use of proper components leads to a meaningful communication and would lead to the effective sharing of thoughts and feelings (Byram, 1994). Moreover, it is also essential to considered that language depends significantly upon the situation in which it is used. If the situation is serious and involves the people who are unknown, then it is very likely to use the formal language. On the other hand, if the situation is casual and the people involved are known, then the use of informal language is often expected. It is also observed that people use more formal language while writing and informal language during speaking. Furthermore, language also depends upon the context in which the language is being used. In this regard, it is also been observed that words in different context have different meanings. In addition, it is also to be noted that language is used to understand and access to different cultures in the world. Also, due to the presence of diverse culture, the languages used by people of different culture also vary significantly. Furthermore, with the difference in age of people the language speaks by people tends to differ. It has been observed that the language that a child speaks is different from the language of an adult person. The

Sunday, October 27, 2019

MNC Corporation Production Assignment

MNC Corporation Production Assignment MNC Corporation Production Analysis of MNC Behavior Introduction Multinational corporation (or transnational corporation) (MNC/TNC) is a corporation or enterprise that manages production establishments or delivers services in at least two countries. Very large multinationals have budgets that exceed those of many countries. Multinational corporations can have a powerful influence in international relations and local economies. Multinational corporations play an important role in globalization (Bartlett et al). Multinational corporations can be divided into three broad groups according to the configuration of their production facilities: Horizontally integrated multinational corporations manage production establishments located in different countries to produce similar products. (Example: McDonalds) Vertically integrated multinational corporations manage production establishment in certain country/countries to produce products that serve as input to its production establishments in other country/countries. (Example: Adidas) Diversified multinational corporations do not manage production establishments located in different countries that are horizontally, vertically or straight (Example: Microsoft or Siemens A.G.) The paper deals with analysis of MNC behavior of three popular MNC’s viz. Exxon Mobile, Royal Dutch and BP. These are oil and gas companies from India and China. The paper will explain about how the products of these companies differ or are similar to each other and how their marketing strategies corporate strategies differ. All this will be explained through the Dunning O-I-L framework and Global Integration Local Responsiveness framework. This paper represents the compare and contrast studies of different strategies. About the companies MNC behavior differs across various locations and is different regarding marketing, finance, human resource and other aspects related to the products. The three companies selected for analyzing MNC behavior differ in geographical locations, political conditions, cultural considerations and legal frameworks. The general introduction of the all the 3 companies is as follows: Exxon Mobil Corporation or Exxon Mobil (NYSE: XOM): It is an American oil and gas corporation and a direct descendant of John D. Rockefellers Standard Oil company. Formed on November 30, 1999 by the merger of Exxon and Mobil, Exxon Mobil is the worlds largest company by revenue at $404.5 billion for the fiscal year of 2007. It is also the largest publicly held corporation by market capitalization, i.e. $501.17 billion. While it is the largest of the six oil super majors with daily production of 4.18 million BOE (barrels of oil equivalent). Currently, the company ranks 1st in the world in net income, which was almost $40 billion last year. The Exxon Mobil Corporation global headquarters are located in Irving, Texas. The company markets products around the world under the brands of Exxon, Mobil, and Esso. It also owns hundreds of smaller subsidiaries such as Imperial Oil Limited (69.6% ownership) in Canada, and Sea River Maritime, a petroleum shipping company (Exxon Mobile Corporation 2008). Royal Dutch Shell: It is commonly known as Shell, a multinational oil company of British and Dutch origins. It is the second largest private sector energy corporation in the world, and one of the six super majors. The companys headquarters are in The Hague, Netherlands, with its registered office in London, United Kingdom (Shell Centre). The companys main business is the exploration, production, processing, transportation and marketing of hydrocarbons (oil and gas). Shell also has a significant petrochemicals business (Shell Chemicals), and an embryonic renewable energy sector developing wind, hydrogen and solar power opportunities (Royal Dutch Shell: About Shell 2008). BP (British Petroleum): It was previously known as British Petroleum but now using only the initials, it is the worlds third largest global energy company, a multinational oil company (oil major) with headquarters in London, UK. The company is among the largest private sector energy corporations in the world, and one of the six super majors (vertically integrated private sector oil exploration, natural gas, and petroleum product marketing companies). Though, all these companies are involved in similar business practices, yet there are also certain differences among them. There is a compare and contrast scenario among these companies. To analyze these three MNC’s, the â€Å"Global Integration- Local Responsiveness† framework and â€Å"Dunning’s O-I-L† framework can be used (BP Global: About BP 2008). Similarities and Differences The products of all three companies are similar in the sense that all have natural resource seeking and efficiency seeking products. All three companies produce the same kind of products, so they also require the same kind of raw materials for the products. The products they produce are all location specific. All the companies have their established positions in the international market and are among the six super majors in the oil and gas industry. They possess abundant resource utilization capacity. They have competitive advantage, which helps them to achieve their strategic goals. The products of the companies are globally marketed. The major differences among the products of the companies are the quality and quantity of the products and the capital requirement for the products. The products also differ in the level and type of technology used and the customer demand for the product. The location where the product is manufactured is also important and it makes a big difference for the company. The export and import of the products vary from company to company. The manufacturing and innovation among the products also vary depending on the Government rules, regulations and policies in the countries in which the companies operate. The products also differ on the basis of marketing strategies used to market the product. The reason for these differences can be explained through the â€Å"Global Integration- Local Responsiveness† framework popularly known as I-R model. It is generally related with ideas of value creation. It states that these differences occur because of differences in the competitive advantage of the companies and the strategies used by them. Strategies can be global, international, multinational or transnational (Bartlett et al). The risk handling capability of the companies is also one of the possible reasons for the differences among them. The proportion of the global assets, number of countries in which the company operates in value added activities and the value of the output are responsible for significant differences among the companies of the same industry (Rugman Hodgetts 1995). These differences are not general differences. These differences are responsible for the company’s success and help it in making popular among the general public. The products of the company become known to the customers because of these significant differences and they are responsible for the growth and revenue of the company (Bartlett et al). The marketing strategies also differ between various firms and countries on the basis of the strategies used to market the products. The differences between countries occur because of alterations in the market structures among various countries with respect to the transactional costs. Differences also occur on the ground of capital availability and resource utilization. The difference in the market size is also very important. Marketing strategies differ across firms due to differences in the extent of market diversification and market stability of the firms. They differ according to the number of customers for the product and because of the market allocation for the product. The firms have set up in their respective locations because according to â€Å"Dunning’s O-I-L† framework, the assets which these companies possess are ownership specific and location specific. Though, they are available to all the firms, yet they are unique in nature and help the company to establish a difference for itself. This criterion of Dunning is based on the eclectic paradigm. The assets can be tangible like manpower, capital, etc. or intangible like technology, marketing, etc. Global, International, Multinational Transnational Firms As the companies grow and develop, there category changes and they become international, global, multinational or transnational firms. As time passes, their product category also changes. Global Firms consider the world as a single integrated unit with centralized scale intensive manufacturing. Through world wide diffusion and adaptation, these companies exploit the parent company’s knowledge and capabilities (Dunning 1993). International Firms take the overseas units as offshoots of domestic strategy. Here the core competencies are centralized and others are decentralized. It builds cost advantage through global scale operations (Dunning 1993). Multinational Firms consider the world as a portfolio of national opportunities. They are self sufficient and decentralized. Through strong resourceful national operations it creates a response to national differences. Transnational Firms comprise of all the above three firms. They are dispersed, interdependent and specialized. They have flexibility, global efficiency and great learning capability. Different Corporate Strategies The corporate strategies of the MNC’s differ across different locations as the Government policies and regulations are different in different countries. The goals and the means to achieve them differ according to the customer size and the market adaptability in different countries. The collaborations with the local partners also create a difference in the corporate strategies because they also have their company’s policies and requirements. It also differs according to the company law of the respective countries. The terms and conditions of the local partners differ, which causes significant variations in the corporate strategy (Dunning 1993).. Innovations in MNC’s Innovations are a growing trend in today’s world and MNC’s are successful till they maintain their innovativeness and creativity. Innovation does not necessarily come from the home country but it can also be sourced in the local country. The MNC’s hire the employees of the local country so it can be possible that innovations are from the local country. Government and the MNC’s There are differences among the MNC’s about the Government policies and regulations. Government’s encouragement or inhibition for the oil and gas industry depends on the type of country and the requirement of such an MNC in the country. There are also significant differences across various locations for the involvement of Government in the MNC activities. This depends on the need of the country to grow and develop and also on the economy of the country. This can also be explained with the help of â€Å"Dunning’s O-I-L† framework. The Government involvement depends on the asset availability of the country which is location specific. Social Cultural Factors The MNC’s are also affected by social and cultural factors of the local country. They have to conduct the business according to the conditions in that country. The products should be manufactured according to the needs and requirements of the people. The cultural and social sentiments of the people should be taken care of. For example, when Mc Donald’s started its business in India, it made beef burgers. But this was failed in India, as it was against the cultural, religious and social sentiments of the people of India, because Indians worship cows so they would never prefer a beef burger. But many a times it happens that MNC’s also shape the social, cultural, political and even the legal framework of the local country. The people of the local country many a times adapt to the products of the MNC’s. For example, Pizza Hut, Dominos, etc. have totally changed the eating habits of the people wherever they have spread their business. The dressing style of the people changes, e.g. Indians started wearing western style clothes. They also convince the Government to make its legal policy flexible to suit their business conditions because the country is being benefited by the MNC’s. The role of WTO in MNC activity WTO and regional trade agreements influence the MNC activities in many ways. The fundamental principles of WTO are non discrimination, free trade, encouraging competition and extra provisions for less developed countries. Through non discriminatory trading system, all the MNC’s are provided with their rights and obligations to be used while performing their operations. Each country and MNC receives fair exports and fair treatment in the markets of other countries. It provides responsibilities regarding implementation of agreements, technical cooperation and increased participation in the global trading system. These agreements help in removing trade barriers and duty free access. It also helps in protecting industrial property rights and dispute settlement. The trade agreement system helps in promoting peace, provides more choices of products and qualities (Cherunilam 2005). Export processing zone refers to one or more specific areas of a country where some of the normal trade barriers are ruled out and bureaucratic necessities are let down in the desire of attracting new business and foreign investments. This zone also refers to the manufacturing centers, which are labor intensive involving the import of raw materials and the export of factory products. This zone is of great importance for the operations of MNC’s. Geography of production The linkages in the value chain also differ around different locations. The relationship between the various functional processes is different at different locations. The spread of production differs according to the spatial distribution. This differs according to the elements of the value chain. The working of the functional processes affects the production. It differs from firm to firm because the functional units like finance, marketing, etc. differ across firms and across various locations. So the firm’s production differs according to geography as the resource availability differs from place to place. Also, the human resource management, organizational structure and managerial responsibility differ between the firms and locations. These are not the same at all the places and with all the firms. The manpower availability differs from place to place and from firm to firm. Because of workforce diversity, human resource management differs and is not the same at all places. The organizational structure also differs because of each firm’s policies and regulations. The managerial responsibility is different depending upon the size of the firm and its working. It also depends upon the strength of the organization, type of business it deals with and the amount of work done by the organization (Cherunilam 2005). MNC’s also hire local people for key positions because its not possible for the MNC’s to hire people from the home country as it is a time consuming and costly affair. Instead of doing so, they can spend money on the training of the people in the local country. The Country Subsidiary Manager is responsible for the administration and management of the MNC in the country. He helps the MNC to recruit highly efficient and energetic people. He also helps in the growth and development of the MNC along with marketing its products. Comparison and Contrast between the Indian Market and Chinese Market for Exxon, BP and Shell The strategies in both the countries will be different for all the three companies i.e. BP, Exxon and Shell. The business environment, culture and traditions of both the companies differ from each other. The customer requirements, economic growth, political and social environment and legal obligations for both the countries can be compared and contrasted. Comparison CEOs of global energy giants BP, Exxon Mobil and Shell are thrashing out their plans with Indian companies and state government officials to pump dollars into 5 states Orissa, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal and Gujarat. The oil and gas giants (Exxon, Shell, BP), can enter the Indian market through Joint Ventures with the Indian companies like Reliance or any ONGC. To establish joint ventures with Indian companies for manufacturing, all the 3 companies should track the key trends and survey the competitive environment in the oil and gas industry, which will enable them to maximize their returns in India (BP, Exxon Shell may invest in 5 Indian states 2008). Currently, Indian conversion kit markets are overflowing with duplicate and inferior quality products. Manufacturers must devote adequate resources for research and development to create world-class offerings that stand apart from the competition. Producing less expensive, lighter, and stronger fuel storage tanks could help the companies establish a leadership position in the marketplace. Reinforcing innovative products with strong after-sales service will allow companies to establish a brand image (Indian Automotive Alternative Fuel Conversion Kit Markets 2001). The entry strategy for China will be different. In China, the companies can enter through Merger or strategic alliance with a Chinese oil company. The companies should do a detailed study of the Chinese market to enter into strategic alliance with the Chinese companies, their growth patterns and their position in the market. As the entry strategy in both the companies will differ because of their business environment; similarly, business strategies would also differ on the following grounds. Firstly, the customer ratio and demand differs in both the countries. China has more population than India, so it has a large consumer market than India for these companies. Secondly, as compared to China, the price hike in petrol is more in India, so the companies can earn high revenue in India (Cherunilam 2005). Thirdly, China’s economy is growing at a much faster rate than India’s economy. Fourthly, the income level in both the countries is different. Middle class population is high in India. The per capita income of China is more than India and even the disposable income in China is more. Nowadays, BP is focusing on an eco-friendly campaign, which can be a great success in India where pollution is a major problem. This way, it can easily attract customers and become popular. Fifthly, the culture of both the countries is different, which affects the strategies of the companies. India is a country of diverse cultures and customs, so people with different thinking and values are found in India. But China has cultural unity, so the values and traditions do not differ across the country. This is good for advertisement and publicity to the people. Sixthly, it is also the political and legal environment that plays a crucial role in any business. A company cannot ignore the political situation and legal formalities either in the home country or in the host country if it has to operate successfully abroad. There is a quasi-federal-form of government in India and democracy is the rule of the country. Whereas China is a communist country, so the political setup can make a difference to the strategies. Also, the legal environment differs from country to country. India’s market has easy access and there are no strict regulations for the trade. In India, after the liberalization in 1991, most of the sectors are opened for foreign companies. Foreign Direct Investment is increasing rapidly. FDI policy is liberalized and 100% investment is allowed, whereas in China, there is not so much liberty for foreign companies. Only, a limited number of foreign companies can establish themselves in China. Contrast There are several points of similarities that affect the strategies of the companies in both the countries. Both the countries are in a developing stage and follow collectivism. Collectivistic culture tends to embrace interdependence, family security, social hierarchies, cooperation; and low levels of competition (Cherunilam 2005). As such, the Chinese and Indian society historically focuses on social interests and collective actions, and de-emphasizes personal goals and accomplishments. Also, the people of both the countries are dominated by foreign products and import items. Conclusion Thus, from the above discussion about MNC’s, it is concluded that they differ across different locations in terms of their resources, working, legal framework, etc. They also affect the culture and social life of the people of the local country. References Bartlett et al. Building Layers of Competitive Advantage. Europe: McGraw Hill Companies Inc. BP Global: About BP. 2008. [online]. [Accessed July 19, 2008]. Available from World Wide Web: BP, Exxon Shell may invest in 5 Indian states 2008. [online]. [Accessed July 19, 2008]. Available from World Wide Web: Cherunilam, F. 2005. International Business: Text and Cases. New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. Dunning, J. H. 1993. The determinants of MNE activity. In Dunning, J. H., Multinational Enterprises and the Global Economy: 76-85. Addison-Wesley Pub. Co. Exxon Mobile Corporation. 2008. [online]. [Accessed July 19, 2008]. Available from World Wide Web: Indian Automotive Alternative Fuel Conversion Kit Markets 2001. [online]. [Accessed July 19, 2008]. Available from World Wide Web: Ramaswamy, V.S Namakumari, S. (3rd ed.) 2005. Strategic Planning Formulation of Corporate Strategy. New Delhi: Macmillan India Ltd. Royal Dutch Shell: About Shell. 2008. [online]. [Accessed July 19, 2008]. Available from World Wide Web: Rugman, A.M. Hodgetts, R.M. (1st ed.).1995. International Business. New York, McGraw Hill Publishing Company. Appendix Generic Value Chain of OPERATION OUTBOND LOGISTIC MARKETING SALES SERVICE FIRM INFRASTRUCTURE HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT PROCUREMENT INBOUND LOGISTIC Secondary Activity Or Supporting Activities Primary Activities Source: Ramaswamy Namakumari 2005.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Analyzing the Marketing of Rehabilitation Goods & Services and The Dis

The Marketing of Rehabilitative Goods and Services by Gary L. Albrecht was written with the intention of giving its reader a better understanding of who has the most to gain in the business of rehabilitative services. One position states that the institutions benefit most, while others feel it is the consumer who has the most to gain. The main controversy discussed in this article is the usage of marketing strategies for rehabilitative health care institutions to increase sales and raise profit margins on service that was once provided pro bono. Another concern is with the amount of new equipment and ever changing standards of rehabilitation. Are consumers well enough informed or educated into making the proper decisions as to what care they need? Also, how do the poor, elderly, disenfranchised, and those who cannot afford healthcare receive treatment? Are patients receiving the best possible care for their ailments; or are they being exploited? These are the dilemmas on the issue o f rehabilitative goods and services. The Disability Wars by Timothy Kenney describes the nightmare of becoming physically disabled to the point where one can no longer work and care for their family. It also talks about the hardships of and problems brought about through the use of medical benefits and collection of social security. Both articles will now be analyzed more closely and possible resolutions to each of these issues, marketing of rehabilitation goods and services, and the disability wars will be discussed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The main issue with the marketing of rehabilitative goods and services deals with, the new wave of marketing strategies and promotional ideas implemented to increase sales and profits of the health care institutions. This rehabilitative service, which was once provided to those in need pro bono, is now recognized as a commodity. Due to the increase in the elderly population and the popularity of sport, there are more people with disabilities than ever before. Thus an influx in the supply and demand has been created and the market for rehabilitative services exists. With more patients than the normal health care provider can care for, new institutions are being erected all across America with their sole purpose in rehabilitating the disabled. One such facility is the Rush-Presbyterian St. Luke’s Medical Center in Chicago. This medical ce... ...y.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The moral and ethical questions that are raised in this article have to deal with insurance companies and social security alike having the ability to deny claims as they please, leaving people with serious medical conditions out there with no support when they need it the most. Another big controversy with social security is the fact that people pay into it for so many years and when it comes time for social security to pay back, they just deny the claim and send you back to work. But once the ill person returns to work the social security payments are immediately deducted from their checks again. A possible solution for this problem is to have the CDC and FDA get together and make a list of acceptable diseases and syndromes that will be covered by social security and then provide assistance to everyone who falls into the acceptable categories. It is understandable that the insurance companies are in business to make money, however the Social Security Administrati on should not. They should be required to pay back out to those who have paid in. Some legislation should also be passed as to how insurance companies can disseminate amongst valid claims.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

College Pressure Essay

William Zinsser’s in his essay â€Å"College Pressure† published 1979, describes the pressures Yale students have economic, parental, and peer/self- induced. He says that these pressures make students afraid to take a risk and to try to take different paths. He wants them to believe in themselves and to try to enjoy their time in college. I have been a student at Reedley Community College for two years and the pressure I experience as a student and a mother are different from that the Yale student experienced. The first pressure that Yale students and I experience is economic pressure. Zinsser explains that in the 1970’s â€Å"tuition, room, and board at most private colleges comes at least $7000† (par.12).He also explains how much pressure Yale students are under, that â€Å"even if the [student] works part time during school and full time during the summer†, but accrue $5000 in loans after four years, loans that the [student] must start to repay w ithin one year after graduation† (par.13). Then, Zinsser goes on to say that no matter how hard the student works he or she will be under pressure to pay back all the money he used. I relate to this pressure, but in a very different way. Although the cost of school for me is relatively low, I have four kids that are away at college. Having four children needing help with tuition and books puts a lot of financial pressure on me as a parent. Also, having six kids in general, three of which are girls, is expensive regardless. The country’s economic disparity has left personal finances tight and puts me under a lot of pressure to make sure my kids have everything that they need and that all bills are paid. Another pressure William Zinsser’s mentions is parental pressure which Yale students and I feel but slightly different .It refers to the amount of pressure students get from their parents. The students are being torn between pleasing their parents and pleasing themselves. Zinsser’s mentions that â€Å"often times students are walking to labs as though they are walking to the dentist.†(par.15) Students are taking on majors in a course of study that they do not necessarily like, however, in order to keep their parents happy they take them on. They are under pressure because they want to please their parents but they’re unhappy they want to do. Because they aren’t doing what. Because I am an adult this pressure does not really apply to me. However, I do feel the pressure from my children. My children expect me to get good grades, as well as maintain everything in the house. When dinner is not made on time because of my homework, my children get upset. They also complain about laundry not being done quickly enough. Although they support me, their expectations of me put me under a lot of pressure. The final pressure that Zinsser mentions is Peer/ self-induced pressure which are a pressure that Yale students and I apply on us. Students apply unnecessary pressure on them by comparing themselves to their peers. Zinsser mentions that a student he calls Linda â€Å"who came in and said she was under terrible pressure because her roommate, Barbra was much brighter and studied all the time.† This student is a perfect example of making an unnecessary comparison which stresses her out. This pressure leads to students over work them-selves. â€Å"A professor will assign five-page papers†. â€Å"Several students will start writing ten-page papers to impress him.†(par.27). Instead of just following the guidelines of an assignment they are trying to shoot above and beyond the requirements. I can really relate to this pressure because I do add a lot of stress on myself. I immediately assume everyone is doing better than me which makes me work harder, but at the same time it causes me to over work myself. I have to make sure all my kids need are done, and then I stay up late to make sure all my school work is done. This pressure affects me negatively because I add a lot of stress on myself that does not need to be added. Instead of focusing on my growth academically. I am always worried about who is doing better than me in class. A couple of ways I am trying to manage my stress is by making daily and weekly to-do lists and putting the most important at the top and working my way down. It’s a great way to manage my time as well. Being that I am a mother of six, my stress level seems like it’s multiplied by seven and I need to be able to put some of that stress aside and finally focus on my schooling since my oldest is twenty-two and my youngest is thirteen. Another great way I make stresses more manageable is by keeping procrastination to a huge minimum. If work that is assigned gets gradually done before the due date, it won’t all pile up the night before causing you to panic. Stress always piles up and it occurs more than any of us would like, but it shouldn’t be a reason to fail. By overcoming these pressures, we become stronger at the end.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Forces That Shaped the Mi’Kmaq Relations with the Europeans

What forces shaped the Mi’kmaq relations with the Europeans? When the early settlers of the Americas arrived on the East coast of what is now Canada, they discovered a people that was remarkably different from their own. First impressions would deem these people as â€Å"uncivilized† (source) â€Å"savages† (source) who lived â€Å"miserable lives† (source). However, as time went on the settlers began to realize just how deeply rooted this Aboriginal culture really was.The Mi’kmaq lived a simple nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle, able to recognize the stars and changing of the seasons leading them to a variety of different sources of food dependant on the season. Culturally they were a spiritual group, one that believed to live with the earth, not off the earth and practiced ceremonies to show appreciation of what the land gave them. Together they shared this land. Individually they were free to pursue their own life path without restrictions, resul ting in several sexual partners, homosexuality, marriages and divorces.They were a mostly peaceful people, preferring the act of gift giving over warfare which they only resorted to when deemed necessary. To the Mi’kmaq warfare was never used as a way to gain territory like their European counterparts but rather a way to seek revenge for wrongdoings. (paraphrase source) As the early European settlers and the Mi’kmaq people began to become familiar with each other, they found some common grounds in these values and learnt to peacefully coexist with each other creating a positive relationship built on trade, alliance and friendship.However, as time went on Mi’kmaqs values and very means of survival were challenged when settler population increased, warfare between the British and French ended with British officially claiming the territory through several treaties and were eventually backed up by the influx of Loyalist century. When the first French settlers began to arrive to the area the Mi’kmaq were optimistically curious of them. They viewed them as fellow man, as equals, who brought with them gifts of useful utensils, tools, alcohol, and weapons. source) The Mi’kmaq were quick to ceremoniously return the favor to their new friends, sharing with them their knowledge of the land and giving them furs. The Mi’kmaq who roamed over a large territory saw no harm in allowing the small French population of (HOW MANY? ) to settle in the Bay of Fundy region. (Wicken print off – 95-96) The similarities and differences between the Mi’kmaq and French people both helped improved relations.Differentially, the Acadians were sedentary and relied on agriculture and livestock for food, which worked well as the Mi’kmaq were able to continue their nomadic hunting gathering lifestyle undisturbed. Similarly, they shared a commonality in spirituality. Although they believed in different versions they were fascinated by e ach others beliefs and some Mi’kmaq were actually drawn into Catholicism and baptized(HOW MANY? SOURCE). Trade furthered improved relations as time went on the Mi’kmaq would reach a point of dependency on European goods.Evidence of improved relations can been seen in intermarriage between the two groups (HOW MANY? SOUCRE) Initially the Mi’kmaq had a much larger population and were never threatened by the settlers, mainly seeing them as a friend with many benefits economically, culturally, and at times militarily (EVIDENCE OF MI’KMAQ FRENCH FIGHTING TOGETHER IN EARLY SETTLEMENT YEARS) They continued these relations for about a century, with only minor conflicts erupting every now and then, but nothing that would seriously jeopordize their relationship. source). Over that century the French population remained quite low and numbered only about half of that of the Mi’kmaq population. This advantage acted as almost a power in which the Mi’kmaq a ble to preserve their ways and not give into French pressures to fully convert to Christianity or to living a sedentary agricultural lifestyle. This would all change when the Acadian population began to increase. (NUMBER OF INCREASE AND SOURCE) As the Acadian population increased so did tensions between the Acadians and the Mi’kmaq.As the population in Acadian grew so did their need for more food. In order to get more food they needed more land that they could use to farm with. The Acadians would take land near the ocean which they could use to fish and also they cleared forests which destroyed the habitats of animals which the Mi’kmaq used to hunt. The Mi’kmaq were therefore forced to look elsewhere for food. There were reports of some Mi’kmaqs who were forced in land looking for food, actually taking livestock from the Acadians.Threats would go back and forth over this growing tension. The Acadians would report these incidents to their council, but the council wise in noting that the Mi’kmaq were still in a majority choose not to punish them for their actions, preffering to avoid conflict and simply reimbursing the lost goods out of their own pockets. Evidence again can be demonstrated in intermarriage between the two groups as only one aborniginal women has been recorded as marrying an Acadian over (time period).The growing population in British settlements would be seen as alarming for the Mi’kmaqs who had a much more negative view of these settlers. Unlike the Acadian settlers a strong relationship had not been formed over the last centrury. The British were invasive and they shared very little in common with them. – Ramsay cook argues that the first European settlers were intent to civilize the so called savages through agriculture, technology, religion and language without realizing that these people were already civilized, just in a different way. In the early 18th century, the Mi’kmaq were a semi -nomadic peoples, who moved around the land freely according to the seasons. This lifestyle allowed them to live independently outside of the French and British querrals choosing for themselves when to go to war and when to agree to peace. -As conflict between England and France intensified in the 1740s tensions between the Acadian and Mi’kmaq populations grew.