Thursday, December 26, 2019

What Shaped Transcendentalism - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 621 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/07/03 Category Philosophy Essay Level High school Tags: Transcendentalism Essay Did you like this example? According to a professor at Stanford University, transcendentalism is an idealistic philosophical and social movement that developed in and around New England during the 1830s, in reply to rationalism. The movement was influenced by romanticism, Platonism, and Kantian philosophy, and taught others that divinity extends all nature and humanity. Followers of transcendentalism held progressive views on communal living and feminism. Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau were two of the many central figures, who were leaders of the transcendentalist movement. Transcendentalism first started when a group of Christians separated from the church because they did not agree with the old puritan views. Some of the views included the inescapability of human evil and wickedness, and that one could not choose salvation. The Christians that left, believed more in the unity of God than the supposed Trinity of God. Those people became the Unitarians. The Unitarians integrated a thought that both David Hume, and John Locke believed in, and that thought was empiricism. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "What Shaped Transcendentalism?" essay for you Create order Empiricism is a theory that knowledge comes only or primarily from experiences your senses have. Empiricism can be seen in Emersons essay titled Nature. To go into solitude, a man needs to retire as much from his chamber as from society. I am not solitary whilst I read and write, though nobody is with me. But if a man would be alone, let him look at the stars. The rays that come from those heavenly worlds, will separate between him and what he touches. Emerson also goes on to say in his essay titled Self Reliance to Accept the place the divine providence1 has found for you, essentially stating that you as a person should accept nature for it is created and given to us by God. Emerson and Thoreau were not the only people of the public who supported transcendentalism, and not all supporters were male. Margaret Fuller was one of the prominent unofficial female leaders of transcendentalism. Fuller wrote the essay titled Women In The Nineteenth Century bringing in the thought that for women, knowledge does not need to be taken from experiences your senses have in nature, but also indoors while reading books. In our own country, women are, in many respects, better situated than men. Good books are allowed, with more time to read them. While thinking about it, books and poetry were made by humans, who were made by God. With the works of Emerson, Fuller, and Thoreau, six main categories of transcendentalism were formed. Those categories are; simplicity, nonconformity, self-reliance, civil disobedience, connection to nature, and hard work. Now the question is, do we see transcendentalism and the six different categories in our daily lives? Yes, we do, even if we dont know it. The Amish live simply, living off the land, not having a lot of materialistic items. Hipsters are nonconformists, going against the grain of others in their daily life. The Little Engine That Could is an example of self-reliance because he made it up the big mountain. Rosa Parks and MLK represent civil disobedience, for standing up against racism. Buddhism for a connection to nature, because they believe in surrounding themselves in nature when worshiping and meditating for a closer connection to Buddha. Finally Gabby Douglas for hard work, with her commitment to practicing to become an Olympic gold medalist. What shaped transcendentalism? To put it simply, the essay writers, supporters, enthusiasts, the Unitarians, and wanting to believe in the goodness around them, despite the negativity, the wars, the destruction of our planet, and ourselves. Nevertheless, there might also be other categories and types of people we dont know about. As the country changes, will transcendentalism be shaped even further, will it continue to grow, or will it crumble?

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Overcome, Or Slowly Destroy - 850 Words

Overcome, or Slowly Destroy? (Challenges Hamlet Faces In Act 1 and 2 Of Hamlet by William Shakespeare) In our lives there will be many obstacles that get in our way. A lot of the time you can tell a lot about a person in the way that they respond to the obstacles. Really there is only two ways that people can respond to the challenges. The first way is one of the higher standings more so, it is that of the person that fights to overcome this. They do anything to triumph over the impediment. The second way would be one of the more common routes in this situation. The second is that of just simply giving up and letting it completely break you down and crush the person that you are. In a lot of the plays written by William Shakespeare, his main characters are faced with many difficult obstructions. It is one way that he really gets his points across in these stories. He does exactly this in his play Hamlet. In the play Hamlet, the main character Hamlet has to overcome many challenges that are presented to him almost immediately in the play. One of the first challenges Hamlet is faced wi th is finding out that his father was actually murdered by Claudius. The reason that this could be so difficult for Hamlet is because at first everyone thought and was told that Hamlet’s father was in the garden and bit by a serpent. He only finds this out when the ghost of his father comes to him and tells him. The ghost tells Hamlet, â€Å"... The serpent that did sting thy father’s life/ NowShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Great Gatsby: American Dream or American Nightmare?1739 Words   |  7 PagesGatsby betrays his morals and destroys himself. Through the eyes of the narrator, Nick, one sees the extent of the corruption Gatsby is willing to undertake in order to achieve his dream. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Destiny in the Aeneid Essay Example For Students

Destiny in the Aeneid Essay Destiny in The AeneidFate, in the Ancient Greek and Roman world, was one of the great unchangeable powers that stand above even the gods in the hierarchy of supernatural forces. The Greeks and Romans thought that the Fates were three ancient women who spun the web of destiny together. Each mans life is a thread, and the fates would draw it out and cut it as they saw fit. The gods themselves had to obey the Fates, for even they had golden threads. Fate plays a very large role in Virgils epic The Aeneid. Aeneas, the central character, knows from the beginning of his journey that he will ultimately found Rome. This is not to suggest that fate has chosen him in an arbitrary manner. Aeneas is destined to be great because he possesses great attributes. Fate is a powerful force in the Greek and especially Roman eras, and it is the major theme in Virgils Aeneid. He is destined to outlive the Trojan War, lead his people on a long voyage, and ultimately create Rome. In this journey, however, Aeneas is forced to lose many people who are close to him. His wife, Creusa, must die so that he can leave Troy and eventually marry an Italian woman to start Rome. He also must leave his lover Dido for this same reason. Aeneas readiness to part with those who are so dear to him alludes to his acceptance to fate and its predominant role in his life. Aeneas destiny profoundly affects the people in his life, usually in a negative way. His first wife, Creusa, dies while Troy burns. With Creusa dead in Troy, Aeneas is free both legally and morally to marry another woman when he finally does arrive in Italy. This is extremely important, because the Italians establish family lines through the mother, and Aeneas will need to marry an Italian princess in order for his descendants to found Rome in the future. His second lover, Dido, commits suicide because Aeneas leaves her. His father dies, so that he can tell him of his future descendants and their accomplishments. Lavinias father tears her from one betrothal and throws her into another without any thought to her feelings. Despite this, each persons pain serves a specific purpose. Without these events, Aeneas may not have been able to continue his quest that eventually leads to the founding of Rome. Although Aeneas could do nothing to change his fate, this does not mean that their characters had nothing to do with the turns their lives took. Aeneas succeeds by yielding his own apprehensions and desires to the demands of fate and his faithfulness to his people. Aeneas responsibility to his country makes him a great leader, and he is fated to succeed. Fate reflects the kind of person involved, perhaps too harshly or agreeably, but not without some justification. Fate, in the Greek and Roman cultures, was a force of great power. Virgil presents a character whose life is touched irrevocably by fate. Fate isnt fair; Dido and Creusa have tragic fates, even though they may not have done anything wrong. But someones fate may also reflect the kind of person involved. Virgil makes this point: fate may be inevitable, but it is not illogical. Those who are destined to be great are great because it is there nature to be extraordinary.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Just For Fun free essay sample

I know I shouldn’t make such a fuss. You were only joking around. I shouldn’t have taken it seriously when you told the whole class that I was pregnant, it was just a joke. It was hilarious when you told our classmates that I was an alcoholic and everyone kept asking me what I was drinking. And hey, just for kicks and giggles let’s bring it up in front of my teachers. That’ll be a laugh. . . . I don’t mind that you blew off our final exam project to go to that party. I mean really, as long as you had fun we’re square. It’s cool, I didn’t need to turn in a complete project (it was only 40% of our grade). You went swimming in your clothes? Wow! that sounds fun. Too bad our Spanish professor wasn’t there. Maybe he would have given us some bonus points for that wicked cannonball. We will write a custom essay sample on Just For Fun or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Maybe not as many points as if your half of the project were finished, but it sure was funny when you read off the menu from Taco Bell instead of the script I wrote up for you. Maybe if you hadn’t kept referring to Don Quixote as a Beaniard the professor would quit giving you dirty looks, but I get it- you’re just goofing. . . . To the guy in the restaurant complaining about the last time he got pulled over: I can’t believe that officer didn’t believe you when you said you were undercover chasing Nazis. Doesn’t he know our national security is at stake? He doesn’t need to know you were talking about the Nazi zombies in that video game you were rushing to be first in line for. Clearly, the police don’t have a sense of humor. I mean really, no traffic cop in his right mind should pull over anyone going 88 mph; Delorean or not, the intent is clear. So it was a school zone. Any kid in school on a day that sunny clearly needs more exciteme nt. And to the gentleman in the red Camaro: I hope you are having a blast clocking 100 mph through the tunnel. No, you didn’t cut me off—you just changed lanes six inches in front of me to get around the guy with the audacity to only be going ten miles over the speed limit . He on the other hand clearly deserved to be cut off. Maybe next time he’ll let loose a little and race you. Man, if those traffic cops would just get off your back you could have so much more fun. . . . No really, it’s fine, I don’t mind you puking all over the back of my car. Sounds like you had a wicked great time. How many shots? That’s insane! And I thought I was having a good time hanging out with my friends at that concert and meeting the whole band, but there’s nothing more fun than the fun you can’t remember having. I don’t mind that I had to drive 40 miles to pick you up. You were living it up way too much to think ahead about a ride home. And I don’t know what those people were so worked up about. So what that you put a little vodka in the punch. You were just spreading the cheer. And what is a party without some recreational drug use? It’s not like you’re an addict. I get it. I’m sure the cops would get it too if they weren’t such sticklers about that whole law thing. . . . To the stud who just dumped my best friend: of course, she is being unreasonable. Doesn’t she get that you were living for the moment? Why would she think you meant it when you said you loved her? Doesn’t she know that’s all part of the game? Why should she think that saying you needed her meant you were serious? Doesn’t she know that relationships in college are just experimentation? Sex is just for pleasure; it doesn’t mean anything! You are right; she is being way too sensitive about this. As long as you were having fun, that’s what counts. And now, you are having fun wit h her sister. Why can’t she be happy for you? . . . You know what’s really a hoot? Arson. I know, right? Think about it. Pouring gasoline, lighting the match, watching the fire eat at the walls—as long as its fun, who cares what burns? And while we’re at it, let’s live action role play Grand Theft Auto V. Shooting sprees and carjackings are a riot in the video game: how much more of a rush will it be in real life? And I’ve heard that if you really want to have a good time, there’s a cult that meets on Thursdays for satanic rituals. The best part is the LSD! Who doesn’t enjoy the merriment of a blood ritual when the knife in their hand is a phoenix feather and the blood turns into liquid music when it hits atmosphere. . . . Honestly, I think I would have a lot more fun without you. You understand. It’s not that I want to kill you. I just can’t enjoy myself as much when I’m dragging you along. Nothing perso nal. Just a matter of fun.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Free Essays on Male Dominance Exposed!

Male Dominance Exposed! It’s a hot, sunny day and two beautiful women with humongous breasts, slim waists and long luscious legs, rip each other’s clothes off while splashing around in a shallow pool of water. The preceding sounds like an accurate depiction of just another day on the job for a porn star, however in this context it is not. Take this scenario and throw in an argument over beer tasting great or being less filling and you have the latest Miller Lite commercial. Sex appeal is one of the most effective forms of advertising in modern popular culture. Sexually influenced materials have normally been created for and by men and have a particularly overwhelming masculine theme, (Harris 91, 214). This androcentric view of a woman, measured only by her ability to stimulate and satisfy the male’s sexual appetite, continues to perpetuate three specific aspects of our modern Western society: male’s dominance over females, the phenomenon of eating disorders among women and t he increased amount of violence against women. An androcentric position can easily be seen through any number of popular magazine publications. I conducted a study of five different magazines, all accessible to buy while in line at the supermarket. The magazines: Glamour, Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, Shape and Maxim, are typical purchases for many of my friends and much of the United States. Of the five magazines, I choose twenty-five different advertisements to examine: ten of women only, ten of men only and five that were mixed sexes. Through comparison of the male and female’s physical appearance in each advertisement, I have found much evidence supporting androcentrism in mass media. There were many similarities among the advertisements. All of the models would be rated high on any physical attraction scale. They all are of average or less than average weight, average or above average height, have firm, clear skin, and healthy, beauti... Free Essays on Male Dominance Exposed! Free Essays on Male Dominance Exposed! Male Dominance Exposed! It’s a hot, sunny day and two beautiful women with humongous breasts, slim waists and long luscious legs, rip each other’s clothes off while splashing around in a shallow pool of water. The preceding sounds like an accurate depiction of just another day on the job for a porn star, however in this context it is not. Take this scenario and throw in an argument over beer tasting great or being less filling and you have the latest Miller Lite commercial. Sex appeal is one of the most effective forms of advertising in modern popular culture. Sexually influenced materials have normally been created for and by men and have a particularly overwhelming masculine theme, (Harris 91, 214). This androcentric view of a woman, measured only by her ability to stimulate and satisfy the male’s sexual appetite, continues to perpetuate three specific aspects of our modern Western society: male’s dominance over females, the phenomenon of eating disorders among women and t he increased amount of violence against women. An androcentric position can easily be seen through any number of popular magazine publications. I conducted a study of five different magazines, all accessible to buy while in line at the supermarket. The magazines: Glamour, Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, Shape and Maxim, are typical purchases for many of my friends and much of the United States. Of the five magazines, I choose twenty-five different advertisements to examine: ten of women only, ten of men only and five that were mixed sexes. Through comparison of the male and female’s physical appearance in each advertisement, I have found much evidence supporting androcentrism in mass media. There were many similarities among the advertisements. All of the models would be rated high on any physical attraction scale. They all are of average or less than average weight, average or above average height, have firm, clear skin, and healthy, beauti...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

French Listening Comprehension and Practice Exercises

French Listening Comprehension and Practice Exercises If youd like to improve your French listening comprehension skills, the exercises below can help you better grasp the language. They  include  a French sound file with a study guide, quiz, transcript and translation. Altogether, there are more than 100 listening exercises  on this site, ranging from simple dialogues to in-depth listening comprehension exercises. The most popular pages offer practical advice or discuss someone or something famous. The French Language Accents de FranceFrench varies from country to country and from region to region. Learn about some of the accents you might encounter in France in this audio report from  LaGuinguette. French in France Introduction to French in France (dialects and standard French) and the  Dictionary of French Regionalisms. PatoisDiscussion about dialects in France and the two main points of view on their linguistic status. The Patois of Vendà ©ePresentation of some characteristics of the French patois spoken in Vendà ©e. Patois and Regional CharacteristicsDo regional differences in dialect reflect regional differences in mentality? Beginning French DialoguePractice your French listening ability with this beginning-level French dialogue featuring greetings and introductions and your choice of speeds: regular and slow. (Camille Chevalier Karfis) The Scary HouseBeginning level of  Les portes tordues, a bilingual audiobook for beginning to intermediate students. (Kathie Dior) The Twisted DoorIntermediate level of  Les portes tordues, a bilingual audiobook for beginning to intermediate students. (Kathie Dior) The CemetaryIntermediate level of  Les portes tordues. (Kathie Dior) Greetings and IntroductionsPractice your French listening ability with this beginning-level French dialogue featuring greetings and introductions and your choice of speeds: regular and slow. (Camille Chevalier Karfis) Number Practice Learning to count in French is one thing - its fairly easy to memorize  un,  deux,  trois. Its another matter entirely to be able to think of a number without counting up to it, or to understand individual numbers when you hear them. Fortunately, practice makes perfect, and these sound files can help you to get better at understanding and using French numbers with random number generators. (Laura K. Lawless) Who said no? Intermediate level of  Les portes tordues. (Kathie Dior) Politics and Social Issues Riots in FranceOn 27 October 2005, riots began in a Parisian suburb and quickly spread across France and even to neighboring countries. In this three-part discussion, a reporter discusses the riots with two neighborhood elders in Clichy-sous-Bois who are trying to calm down the situation. Sà ©golà ¨ne Royal - prà ©sidente?Sà ©golà ¨ne Royal is a socialist who  worked hard to become Frances first female president. Learn about her platform and her struggle in this discussion. LETA et le Pays BasqueIntroduction to the history behind the ETA, the Basque separatist movement. Le CPEIn January 2006, the French government passed a labor reform law that sparked off protests around the country. Learn about the CPE and why it was so distasteful to French students and workers. MitterrandJanuary 2006 marked the 10-year anniversary of the death of Franà §ois Mitterrand, the first and so far only socialist president of France. Learn about Mitterrand and some of the people who loved him. French Culture Graffiti Graffiti does not necessarily equal vandalism. Its a means of personal and even artistic expression. Learn about some of the people and techniques behind graffiti. Le jardin des TuileriesLearn about the famous Parisian park, le jardin des Tuileries, as you work on your listening comprehension with this three-part discussion. Cest de lamour và ©ritable!Old age does not have to mean the end of living, or even loving. In this interview, a 90-year-old man shares his thoughts on how to get the most out  of life and love, at any age. La loi EvinLearn about the regulation of advertising of alcohol in France, and the reasoning behind it. Tourism, Shopping,  Travel Dining Out lhà ´tel ~ At the Hotel  Beginning-level French dialogue between a hotel receptionist and guest.   Le viaduc de Millau  Le viaduc de Millau  was completed in 2004. Learn about its construction and safety mechanisms. Au magasin ~ At the storeBeginning-level French dialogue between a customer and storekeeper. Au restaurant ~ At the Restaurant  Beginning-level French dialogue between a waiter and customer. Breakfast ~ Le petit dà ©jeuner  Beginning-level dialogue between a customer and waiter at breakfast.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Human nature and politics Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Human nature and politics - Dissertation Example This essay tells that in the present day turmoil, observed worldwide in various political circles, and the disillusionment faced by the citizens thereafter, the focus has steadily remained on the changing political actors and their varying political ideologies, which are in reality superficial in nature. In a persistent move to examine various political theories and doctrines, one has failed to observe the most important aspect, which plays a decisive role in the world of politics and power play (both globally and nationally), which is the ‘human nature.’ However, the term human nature is not easily defined, and includes complex characteristics like human perception, reasoning, behavior, ways of feeling, thinking, that are naturally observed in any individual in context of his or her surrounding socio-political world. The questions as to what causes these characteristics to take shape and form within human thought processes, in what exact manner the causal factors work, and as to how well the human nature is entrenched, form the bases of various researches in the world of western philosophy, with considerable implications in the practical fields of psychological and biological sciences, religious studies, politics, and ethics. This is primarily owing to the fact that Ð °human nature can be seen as antecedent of a benchmark for ‘living well’ and behavioral norms, while on the other hand it can also be perceived as a characteristic that creates problems and constraints in the way of a good life. Aristotle in his virtue theory claimed that ‘virtues’ are human qualities that assist an individual to achieve the benchmark and ‘live well,’ which is in concordance to human nature.5 Machiavelli and Hobbes on the other hand believed that human nature tends to be egoistic thus creating problems and constraints in ‘living well.’ Machiavelli further suggests that each individual has the potential of ‘li ving well’ and being happy, as long as he/she does not face suffering. Hobbes however, takes an extreme view and states that human nature is entirely derived from materialist axioms, and the state

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Explain what you understand the term Transnational Corporation to Essay

Explain what you understand the term Transnational Corporation to mean. Using specific examples of these organisations, assess what contribution they have made to the development of Globalisation - Essay Example These include; product marketing, personnel, financial matters as well as production strategies. The policies may have host country orientation or parent country orientation (Held, D and Mcgrew, 2000 pp.122-127). A transnational corporation may be owned by citizens of one, two countries or more. In another situation, a corporation may establish branches in different countries in order to reduce the cost of transporting raw materials in order to reduce the final cost of the products that is added to the consumer price. A corporation may also establish branches in countries that import its products in order to escape import tax that may be enforced by the importing country against foreign corporations. An example of this is when external levy was enforced against outsiders by the European Community, corporations from the United States engaged in Foreign Direct Investment in order to evade these tariffs (Howard Perlmutter, 1969 pp.36-38). Fluctuating exchange rates are also a factor that leads to the establishment of transnational corporations in order to avoid losses that are associated with these rates. This phenomenon arises when corporations produce at a high value of the local currency and then the value falls during exportation. They opt to establish a subsidiary industry in the importing country. Competition is also a factor that gives rise to transnational corporations. A corporation X in one country may be producing the same products as another corporation Y in a different country, both competing for a common market Z. corporation X may tackle this competition through purchasing company Y and other such corporations in several countries, thereby becoming a transnational corporation. An example is when both Monarch in Germany and Opel in Canada were purchased by GM which gave rise to GM Germany and GM Canada respectively (Hill, Charles W L, 2008 pp 24-31). Lower

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Athenian audience Essay Example for Free

Athenian audience Essay Athenian audience with the references made to Athenian hypocrisy and the challenges and questions he raised on some of the moral issues of the time and the questions that he asked in his plays were sometimes ill received such as the role of women etc. Despite this, Euripides did win the tragedy prize with Hippolytus and is revered as a great playwright in present day drama. From some of the female characters that Euripides develops in his plays, one could assume that Euripides was a misogynist. However, it is wrong to say that all of his female characters are wicked and evil; Euripides has created some wonderful and interesting female characters as well as the wicked ones. Perhaps The Assembly Women actually had wrong motive for their revolt! In Alcestis, the title character, the wife of Admetus (the King of Pherae) sacrifices herself for her husbands life. A most noble act and Euripides portrays her character, as the model of what a Greek wife should be: completely and utterly devoted to their husband to the extent of dieing for the man that supports them. The Greek audience and modern alike will like Alcestis, as she is a sweet natured and noble woman. She most certainly would have won the hearts of the Greek audience. As she is such a noble character and the measure of her kindness toward her husband is so great, Euripides had to bring her back. So the heroic Heracles wends his way to Hades kingdom and brings her back. In Electra, again the title role, at the beginning of the play, comes across as a very sorrowful young woman. She has cut her hair out of mourning for her murdered father, Agamemnon. He was murdered by her mother, Clytemnestra, as he had to sacrifice their daughter and then brought home a concubine (Cassandra). When Agamemnon did get home, Clytemnestra had fallen in love with Aegisthus. Therefore, so far in the play, Electra comes across as a woman very much devoted to her father and hates her mother for murdering him. So far so justified. However, when she happens to meet her brother, Orestes, she convinces him to kill their mother. At this point she comes across as a very wicked conniving young lady. It seems as though she had been waiting for Orestes return to make him do this. When Orestes has doubts over killing Clytemnestra, she bullies him into doing it. She knew the result she wanted to get and she got it. Clytemnestra, if you havent read or seen Aeschylus Agamemnon, comes across as a less conniving woman than her daughter. She comes across as a very powerful and domineering woman. She arrives in the play in a chariot and commands the slaves to help her down. She is very aware of her class and position and will not back down from her decision to murder Agamemnon and regards it as the right thing to do. In this sense we must respect her for sticking by her decision and understand that Agamemnon did kill their daughter and come back with a concubine. In a very slight way, she is justified. Therefore, Euripides has created in Electra a very complicated character. We as the audience or readers assume that she had been planning her revenge on her mother for some time and was just waiting for Orestes return to enact it. Before this point however, we can sympathise with her loss of a father and the pain that she must be going thorough to have the knowledge that it was her mother who murdered him. Clytemnestra, from this play, comes across a woman who sticks by her decision and who in speech ha the capacity to justify and handle herself well. Euripides has created two complicated female characters and in his portrayal of them has shown no signs of his rumoured misogyny. Euripides creates one of the greatest roles for any actress to play in Hecabe. The title role is not the aforementioned feet of extraordinary characterisation. However, Hecabe as a character is very interesting. The audience comes away not knowing what to think of her. She begins the play as a woman who has endured such a lot of pain as the former Queen of the now sacked citadel of Troy. She has reached the limit of endurance and collapses in sorrow. She has lost her entire family to a war over one woman, the infamous Helen. At the end of the play, however, she literally snaps from a grief stricken widow to a raving savage. She has Polymestor blinded and enjoys the gruesome description of the event and the sounds. According to legend, Hecabe turns into a dog due to her extreme torment that results into madness. This is what Polymestor tells her at the end of the play when his blind by her decision. The character this section opened with by praising is Polyxena. She is Hecabes daughter and Euripides develops her character beautifully. Odysseus informs Hecabe that her daughter must be sacrificed to the deceased Achilles. Without shedding a tear, Polyxena, heroically goes with Odysseus to accept her fate. As she is taken to the tomb of Peleus (Achilles father), Greek soldiers hold her and Achilles son gets ready with his sword to kill or to sacrifice her. She asks not to be held and the soldiers are taken away. She then tears her clothes off to the wait and bravely speaks and awaits the sword to be thrust into her chest. Euripides in this play has created two memorable female characters. The brave and heroic Polyxena and the complicated Hecabe. Again, no sign of any misogyny on Euripides part here, in fact the opposite in Polyxenas case. Creating a heroic woman is no mean feet in Ancient Greece and her character must have been received well as she is incredibly strong of character and of heart. Another great female character in Euripidean literature is Heracles wife Megara in the play Heracles. The play tells of how Hera (Queen of the gods, married to Zeus, whos father to Heracles) turned Heracles mad and in his madness killed his three sons and his wife Megara. This then lead him to go to the Delphic Oracle that told him to be a slave to Eurytheus thus leading to his infamous twelve labours. Anyhow, Megara, at the beginning of the play, thinks that she is a widow and is a vulnerable woman who has to be strong for her three young sons. However, Heracles actually is not dead and comes home to them in Thebes. He is then turned mad by Hera and shoots two of his sons with arrows in his madness. Megara takes the last son and locks herself in room but Heracles breaks in and shoots them both with one arrow.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

juvenile delinquency :: essays research papers

Can more than one theory be used to explain crime? Absolutely. From a liberal viewpoint, there exist two fundamental theories to explain the causal factors behind juvenile delinquency. Those theories are Social Deviance Theory and Developmental Theory. Young people become socially deviant by non-conforming. They become juvenile delinquents, and turn against the very system that is trying to help them. Society has made many laws and many standards have been set. The social deviant does not follow those rules and regulations. He/she lives a life of crime instead. An overview of approaches explains deviant behavior. Social Deviance Theory can be further broken down into five theories including anomie, differential association, social control theory, conflict theory, and labeling theory. Social Deviance Theory is an important explanation in the theory of crime. Without this explanation, it would be impossible to explain a great deal of the factors involved in juvenile delinquency. Socia l Deviance Theory and Development Theories are the umbrellas under which other theories used to explain juvenile delinquency fall. Depending on the criminal and the type of crime committed, different theories are used. Youth violence in our country has risen dramatically in the past decade. The number of violent arrests of youth under the age 18 has increased dramtically: 36 percent between 1989 and 1993, more than 4 times the increased reported for adults. During that period, juvenile arrests for homicide increased by 45 percent, while adult homicide arrests increased by only 6 percent (FBI, Uniform Crime Reports, 1994). Among teenagers 15 to 19 years old, the escalation of gun violence is particulary alarming: one of every four deaths of a teenager is attributable to a firearm injury. The number of juvenile violent crime arrests will double by the year 2010 if current arrest and population trends continue. Can our communities bear another 260,000 such arrests each year?

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Industry Analysis on Fast Food Essay

1. A few of the chief economic and business characteristics of the global fast-food industry are as follows: In the market growth rate the expected food sales is predicted to increase by $208 billion by 2020 with us already being at $800 billion by 2001. Under entry barriers for the fast-food industry the main concerns would be the entry costs, location, capital cost, and licensing. For a business to have success they must have the right location. Under exit barriers there are land leasing, building leases, capital cost. 2. Some of the driving forces include the quality of the food, price of the food, and the nutritional value. Some of the consumers that are playing an important role in fast food are women employed outside the home, two-earned households, higher income, and smaller size of the family. Increased food spending driven by population growth is just one way consumers will shape the future of the US food system. 3. Five forces: a. Rivalry among competitors- in the fast-food industry it’s who can get the food out the fastest. b. New entrants- the competition is increasing due to not having many entry barriers. c. Substitute products- there are many choices in the fast food industry leaving consumers with so many different choices. Therefore each individual fast-food restaurants needs to differentiate their product so people will want to come back for their product. For example what is it about Popeye’s chicken vs. KFC’s? d. Suppliers and buyers- in the fast-food industry if the buyers aren’t satisfied with the suppliers than they can easily switch their suppliers leaving the suppliers with a disadvantage. Also if suppliers cannot offer something unique that only restaurants can get form them, then they have no power to keep that restaurant’s business. 4. A few factors that are critical to success in the fast-food industry are timeliness of the food, quality of the food, quantity of the food, and the pricing of the food. 5. It’s attractive in they way that with the fast paced growth of the fast-food industry, there are so many restaurants entering because there are minimal entry barriers. Anyone who wants to open a restaurant can. Also, there are very low switching costs, which make restaurants look very appealing to big corporations. It can be unattractive because more and more consumers are willing to spend more money on better quality food rather than the quantity of food at a fast-food restaurant. Also senior citizens and immigrants are more likely to cook at home and move away from the trend.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

My First Summer In The Sierra By John Muir Essay

John Muir’s view of the sierras was filled with the high, cool, and green pastures of the peaking mountains, with forest belts that show the melting snow, and with shining streams to be crossed. The foothills show bushes, trees (usually oak trees), and slate. There were Sabine pines that peak from the southwest side, along small fields and vineyards that were marked by falls and streams. The Horseshoe bend was really glorious. As pictured, Horseshoe Bend came full in sight—a glorious wilderness that seemed to be calling with a thousand songful voices. Bold, down-seeping slopes, feathered with pines and clumps of Manzanita with sunny, open spaces between them, make up most of the foreground; the middle and background present fold beyond fold of finely modeled hills and ridges rising into maintain-like masses in the divine landscape-countenance are so burned into mind and heart they surely can never grow dim. This type of view had a great impact on the flock of sheep, as it enjoyed plenty of green grass. This is shown in the following lines: â€Å"The sheep, now grassy and good-natured, slowly nibbled their way down into the valley of the North Fork. † The surrounding beauty did not only have strong impact on the flock but, most of all, to Muir: How deep our sleep last night in the mountain’s heart, beneath the trees and stars, hushed by solemn-sounding waterfalls and many small soothing voices in sweet accord whispering peace! And our first pure mountain day, warm, calm, cloudless, –how immeasurable it seems, how serenely wild! (Muir 1998, 32) For Muir, the appeal of the mountains seemed to converge down to his very soul†¦ leaving him moments of glory that touched his mind and heart for the majestic scene of nature. Later in life, Muir protected the Hetch-Hetchy Valley in a seven-year environmental struggle that centered on gaining water rights on the said valley. Muir correctly predicted that the building of a dam would be unsightly to have a lake around the perimeter; yet his struggle ended up to be a breakdown, with the signing of the Raker Act in 1913. BIBLIOGRAPHY â€Å"Hetch Hetchy Valley. † Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia (2008). Database on-line. Muir, John. My First Summer in the Sierra. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Books, 1998.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Neonatal Nursing Coincides with Non-Verbal Communication Essays

Neonatal Nursing Coincides with Non-Verbal Communication Essays Neonatal Nursing Coincides with Non-Verbal Communication Essay Neonatal Nursing Coincides with Non-Verbal Communication Essay Being a Neonatal Nurse requires a lot of interaction with people. You interact with babies along with their parents and doctors verbally and non-verbally. Communicating non-verbally in the nursing field is widely embraced. Being a nurse, you develop a relationship with your patients. Your body language is important when it comes to speaking with your patients. Paralanguage, the way in which you say words, is Just important as the way you mean it. When approaching your patient, your facial expression is the richest source of emotional information. On page 115 of Communicating Effectively: 10th Edition, it says, mfour face transmits happiness, friendliness, warmth, liking, and affiliation; thus, it pays to smile frequently. By smiling you will be perceived as more likable, friendly, warm, and approachable. Even on your worst day, continue smiling. Your patients doesnt need to know how bad your day is going. Your attitude along with your manners are also important when dealing with your patients. Coming off rude is unacceptable. Even if your patient is the rudest person youVe ever met, you always, address them and their amily nicely. You know how some people dont like people in their space? Well nurses are constantly in their patients space. This is because, we have to take care of our patients. We have to make sure they feel welcomed. Let them know that we care about them and their new born baby. Another thing that neonatal nurses often do is touch. Having to deal with a first time mother requires neonatal nurses to help them out on how to breast feed or even hold a child properly. This is why most mothers rather have a female neonatal nurse rather than a male because theyre more omfortable with females because they all have the same body parts. Neonatal nursing is a subspecialty of nursing that works with new born infants born with a variety of problems ranging from prematurity, birth defects, infection, cardiac malformations, and surgical problems. Seeing that a new born patient cant speak, it requires a lot of nonverbal communication. Though they might not understand what were saying nonverbally, I know that touch is very important when it comes to them. When a baby starts to cry, you instantly go and pick them up. By doing so, it can give them that attention that they were looking for. Even if its for a diaper change or even just wanting to be held or rocked to sleep. I remember the time when my aunt gave birth and the nurse told her that by laying the baby on her chest can make the baby stop crying because they have that child to mother connection through beating hearts. Taking care a baby is a lot of work especially if its for a first time mother. Some may have experience with their relatives or even a family friend but not many now what it really required with a child. Time is very important. The baby needs attention. She or he will cry until they get that attention they want. Working with multiple babies requires you to balance your time with each and every patient. You will barely have time for yourself. Youre always on the move. Youre either doing your work, helping out other patients, answering questions, emergencies, or assisting the doctor. Neonatal Nursing Coincides with Non-Verbal Communication By Deaaa

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Every IB Economics Past Paper Available Free and Official

Every IB Economics Past Paper Available Free and Official SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Taking the IB Economics exam will be nerve-wracking no matter what. However, taking practice tests with past papers beforehand will be a huge advantage since you'll know the test format and be used to the length and style of the test. In this guide, I will familiarize you with the IB Economics test format and let you know where to find past papers, both free and paid. I'll also give you tips on how best to use these IB Economics past papers for your preparation. Where to Find Free IB Economics Past Papers In recent years, the IBO has cracked down on past papers (illegally) uploaded outside of the IBO store, which means a lot of sources for free past papers have disappeared. At the same time, IBO has not uploaded any free sample past Economics papers on its website. (If and when IBO decides to make free IB Economics past paper resources available, we'll be sure to update this article.) We haven’t located any unofficial IB Economics past papers (ones created by people other than the IBO), but if you find any, don’t use them! They will probably be very different from the real IB Economics exam and will not be helpful for your preparation. Similarly, we don't recommend using anything that comes up when you search for IB economics past papers online. Because these resources are not being released directly by IBO, there's no guarantee they are real past papers (illegally uploaded); instead, they could be unofficial past papers that are not clearly labeled as such. Where to Find Paid IB Economics Tests You can find official IB Economics study resources, including practice questions, on the IB Follett online store. It's not the easiest site to navigate, but if you search "economics exam paper" or "economics markscheme" you'll be able to browse the various study resources available. Typically, each exam paper and each markscheme will cost you $3 (the exception is anything from the most recently released exam, which will be $3.99). Purchasing all papers and markschemes for a single test will cost you $18 for an HL test (or $12 for an SL test). Buying all the Economics exam papers and markschemes currently available in the IBO store will run you close to or over $100 (for SL and HL, respectively), so we recommend only purchasing the two most recent complete sets of past papers (currently November 2015 and 2016). In combination with good notes and study guides, two sets of practice papers should be plenty for most students. Do not spend this much! 3 Tips to Use IB Economics Past Papers Effectively Each full IB Economics practice test will take you three hours for SL or four hours for HL, so you need to be making the most out of each test. Some important tips to remember when you're doing the practice tests: Tip 1: Take Papers 1 and 2 (and 3, for HL) on Different Days The IB Economics test takes place over two days- for the most accurate picture of how you'll perform on the real exam, you need to write practice papers the same way. Don’t take all of the papers back to back. Take Paper 1 one day, and Paper(s) 2 (and 3 for HL) another day. Using this real testing schedule will help you feel comfortable and prepared for the real papers. Tip 2: Time Each Paper Exactly It's criticalthat you can handle the timing pressures of this test. The exact time allowed is: IB Economics SL IB Economics SL Paper 1- 1 hour 30 minutes IB Economics SL Paper 2- 1 hour 30 minutes IB Economics HL IB Economics HL Paper 1- 1 hour 30 minutes IB Economics HL Paper 2- 1 hour 30 minutes IB Economics HL Paper 3- 1 hour In this time frame, you need to finish: IB Economics SL SL Paper 1: two parts, Section A: answer one of two questions (each question has multiple parts), Section B: answer one of two questions (each question has multiple parts) SL Paper 2: two parts, Section A: answer one of two questions (each question has multiple parts), Section B: answer one of two questions (each question has multiple parts) IB Economics HL HL Paper 1: answer one of four questions (each question has multiple parts) HL Paper 2: answer three of six questions HL Paper 3: answer three of five questions (each question has multiple parts) Don't give yourself any extra time in your practice. If you give yourself extra time, you will not figure out your pacing. I want to these practice tests to be realistic predictors of your score. Mysid / Wikimedia Tip 3: Check Your Answers! After you finish a full test (end of Paper 2 for SL or end of Paper 3 for HL), review every mistake. If you skip this, you won’t learn from your mistakes, and you'll keep getting the same questions wrong. You should spend at least one hour reviewing scoring for the practice test. This is a bit of time, but you should be emphasizing the quality of practice over the quantity of practice. It's better to take two past papers with detailed review than four past papers with no review. What’s Next? Learn more about IB Economics: The Complete IB Economics Syllabus: SL and HL IB Economics Notes and Study Guide Learn more about the IB course offerings: The Complete List of IB Courses and Classes Which IB Courses Can I Take Online? Can I Get an Online IB Diploma? Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Heroes in Sports Articles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Heroes in Sports Articles - Essay Example Secondly, the DiMaggio article was written from the second person point of view, while the Williams article was a narrative. Finally, Joe DiMaggio was shown as a real man that was a reluctant hero, while Ted Williams was shown as a baseball star from a far. These similarities and differences will be compared and contrasted. â€Å"The Silent Season of a Hero† article was about Joe DiMaggio and â€Å"Hub Fans Bid Kid Adieu† covered Ted Williams. Their hitting records were discussed, but so was part of their life’s background. An example would be DiMaggio’s marriage to Marilyn Monroe. Williams stint as a military pilot. Both men’s careers in baseball were highlighted. Another similarity in the writing styles in the articles is the telling of a story while relating a message about their hero. These stories are not straight forward biographies. They relate stories, antidotes, and personal impressions of both of these men. â€Å"The Silent Season of a He ro† tells the story of DiMaggio from his position after his career. On the other hand, â€Å"Hub Fans Bid Kid Adieu† tells a story of a day at the ballpark with flashes of the past intermixed. Both stories use the flashback technique to get the stories across. Whether talking about DiMaggio’s meeting of second wife, Marilyn Monroe, or the author’s impressions of Ted Williams when he was a kid, both stories used flashback. The final similarity is both authors believed DiMaggio and Williams were heroes. DiMaggio was described as a reluctant hero, especially in his latter years. This type of hero is based on a man that was a baseball great, that had overcomes a hard childhood, and troubled personal life. Williams was described more through hero worship. The article mentioned his baseball career from a far. Both described DiMaggio and Williams as heroes. There were also differences between the articles. â€Å"The Silent Season of a Hero† and did not use imagery and figurative language, but â€Å"Hub Fans Bid Kid Adieu† used an excessive amount. In â€Å"The Silent Season of a Hero† the opening is straight forward: IT WAS NOT quite spring, the silent season before the search for salmon, and the old fishermen of San Francisco were either painting their boats or repairing their nets along the pier or sitting in the sun talking quietly among themselves, watching the tourists come and go, and smiling, now, as a pretty girl paused to take their picture. (Updike) While descriptive, this paragraph does not use imagery or figurative language. It is just descriptive. In â€Å"Hub Fans Bid Kid Adieu† figurative language is used to describe the eyes of some fans: Two girls, one of them with pert buckteeth and eyes as black as vest buttons, the other with white skin and flesh-colored hair, like an underdeveloped photograph of a redhead, came and sat on my right. On my other side was one of those frowning, chestless young-o ld men who can frequently be seen, often wearing sailor hats, attending ball games alone. (Talese) Also imagery is used describing the ballpark. â€Å"Everything is painted green and seems in curiously sharp focus, like the inside of an old-fashioned peeping-type Easter egg† (Talese). When reading this sentence one can see an Easter egg basket and egg peeping out. These examples are just a few throughout both articles, but both were consistent throughout each respective article. Another difference in the writing styles of the articles is the DiMaggio article was written from the second person point of view, while

Friday, November 1, 2019

Investigation Theories Of The Problems Of Healthcare Quality Coursework

Investigation Theories Of The Problems Of Healthcare Quality - Coursework Example These strategies will make inquiries from study designs like open-ended question interviews (Handout, 2011). This is specifically inclined towards either pre or post aspects of behaviors and traits. The population to be is quite fundamental and important because, the purpose supports qualitative theories and phenomenology theory, which is of use in supporting phenomenal experiences (Creswell & Stone, 2009). The population also acts to determine scenarios when the investigators can support the general process. Will the population from the qualitative research test the method from both the phenomenology and ground theories the directions taken by health disparities because of the causes by the large chunk of the population without the health insurance? How would this issue be addressed taking note that the large portion cannot access medication and healthcare hence resorting to crude measures to support health? From the phenomenological perspective, a design is created on a mirrored concept from the university current online education framework. The ground theory as stated will also be considered due to the need for quality and reliability of data. This is the ground upon which the researcher is able to reinforce the open process, action or integration because of the education concept. According to the Quality Health Care QHC use, it is if training and development through education to help improve the talent from the family care perspectives to understand the need for quality healthcare and subscribe to health insurance policies (Shadish, Cook & Campbell, 2002). The researcher’s strategy is to support personal development theory, which is directed towards promoting community and change in leadership.  The vision to judge and design ways to adopt modern development strategies to perpetuate values aimed at planning the workforce, community, and culture change in order to promote the skills by individuals to mitigate the healthcare problem.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Critical Asssignement Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Critical Asssignement - Assignment Example Phoneme is considered as the basic unit of sound and phonology is the science of sound. Semantics denote the meaning of a language. In this regard, morpheme is the basic unit of sound to carry meaning. Another major components, which is pragmatics is the study of the use of language. Furthermore, it also deals with the intention behind the utterance. Again, the syntax is another component, which deals with the study of the organization of a language. The intention behind this is to create grammatically correct sentences (Evans, 2009). The implications of these parts or components are to produce a meaningful vocal activity that would lead to the understanding of the expression by the other person. The use of proper components leads to a meaningful communication and would lead to the effective sharing of thoughts and feelings (Byram, 1994). Moreover, it is also essential to considered that language depends significantly upon the situation in which it is used. If the situation is serious and involves the people who are unknown, then it is very likely to use the formal language. On the other hand, if the situation is casual and the people involved are known, then the use of informal language is often expected. It is also observed that people use more formal language while writing and informal language during speaking. Furthermore, language also depends upon the context in which the language is being used. In this regard, it is also been observed that words in different context have different meanings. In addition, it is also to be noted that language is used to understand and access to different cultures in the world. Also, due to the presence of diverse culture, the languages used by people of different culture also vary significantly. Furthermore, with the difference in age of people the language speaks by people tends to differ. It has been observed that the language that a child speaks is different from the language of an adult person. The

Sunday, October 27, 2019

MNC Corporation Production Assignment

MNC Corporation Production Assignment MNC Corporation Production Analysis of MNC Behavior Introduction Multinational corporation (or transnational corporation) (MNC/TNC) is a corporation or enterprise that manages production establishments or delivers services in at least two countries. Very large multinationals have budgets that exceed those of many countries. Multinational corporations can have a powerful influence in international relations and local economies. Multinational corporations play an important role in globalization (Bartlett et al). Multinational corporations can be divided into three broad groups according to the configuration of their production facilities: Horizontally integrated multinational corporations manage production establishments located in different countries to produce similar products. (Example: McDonalds) Vertically integrated multinational corporations manage production establishment in certain country/countries to produce products that serve as input to its production establishments in other country/countries. (Example: Adidas) Diversified multinational corporations do not manage production establishments located in different countries that are horizontally, vertically or straight (Example: Microsoft or Siemens A.G.) The paper deals with analysis of MNC behavior of three popular MNC’s viz. Exxon Mobile, Royal Dutch and BP. These are oil and gas companies from India and China. The paper will explain about how the products of these companies differ or are similar to each other and how their marketing strategies corporate strategies differ. All this will be explained through the Dunning O-I-L framework and Global Integration Local Responsiveness framework. This paper represents the compare and contrast studies of different strategies. About the companies MNC behavior differs across various locations and is different regarding marketing, finance, human resource and other aspects related to the products. The three companies selected for analyzing MNC behavior differ in geographical locations, political conditions, cultural considerations and legal frameworks. The general introduction of the all the 3 companies is as follows: Exxon Mobil Corporation or Exxon Mobil (NYSE: XOM): It is an American oil and gas corporation and a direct descendant of John D. Rockefellers Standard Oil company. Formed on November 30, 1999 by the merger of Exxon and Mobil, Exxon Mobil is the worlds largest company by revenue at $404.5 billion for the fiscal year of 2007. It is also the largest publicly held corporation by market capitalization, i.e. $501.17 billion. While it is the largest of the six oil super majors with daily production of 4.18 million BOE (barrels of oil equivalent). Currently, the company ranks 1st in the world in net income, which was almost $40 billion last year. The Exxon Mobil Corporation global headquarters are located in Irving, Texas. The company markets products around the world under the brands of Exxon, Mobil, and Esso. It also owns hundreds of smaller subsidiaries such as Imperial Oil Limited (69.6% ownership) in Canada, and Sea River Maritime, a petroleum shipping company (Exxon Mobile Corporation 2008). Royal Dutch Shell: It is commonly known as Shell, a multinational oil company of British and Dutch origins. It is the second largest private sector energy corporation in the world, and one of the six super majors. The companys headquarters are in The Hague, Netherlands, with its registered office in London, United Kingdom (Shell Centre). The companys main business is the exploration, production, processing, transportation and marketing of hydrocarbons (oil and gas). Shell also has a significant petrochemicals business (Shell Chemicals), and an embryonic renewable energy sector developing wind, hydrogen and solar power opportunities (Royal Dutch Shell: About Shell 2008). BP (British Petroleum): It was previously known as British Petroleum but now using only the initials, it is the worlds third largest global energy company, a multinational oil company (oil major) with headquarters in London, UK. The company is among the largest private sector energy corporations in the world, and one of the six super majors (vertically integrated private sector oil exploration, natural gas, and petroleum product marketing companies). Though, all these companies are involved in similar business practices, yet there are also certain differences among them. There is a compare and contrast scenario among these companies. To analyze these three MNC’s, the â€Å"Global Integration- Local Responsiveness† framework and â€Å"Dunning’s O-I-L† framework can be used (BP Global: About BP 2008). Similarities and Differences The products of all three companies are similar in the sense that all have natural resource seeking and efficiency seeking products. All three companies produce the same kind of products, so they also require the same kind of raw materials for the products. The products they produce are all location specific. All the companies have their established positions in the international market and are among the six super majors in the oil and gas industry. They possess abundant resource utilization capacity. They have competitive advantage, which helps them to achieve their strategic goals. The products of the companies are globally marketed. The major differences among the products of the companies are the quality and quantity of the products and the capital requirement for the products. The products also differ in the level and type of technology used and the customer demand for the product. The location where the product is manufactured is also important and it makes a big difference for the company. The export and import of the products vary from company to company. The manufacturing and innovation among the products also vary depending on the Government rules, regulations and policies in the countries in which the companies operate. The products also differ on the basis of marketing strategies used to market the product. The reason for these differences can be explained through the â€Å"Global Integration- Local Responsiveness† framework popularly known as I-R model. It is generally related with ideas of value creation. It states that these differences occur because of differences in the competitive advantage of the companies and the strategies used by them. Strategies can be global, international, multinational or transnational (Bartlett et al). The risk handling capability of the companies is also one of the possible reasons for the differences among them. The proportion of the global assets, number of countries in which the company operates in value added activities and the value of the output are responsible for significant differences among the companies of the same industry (Rugman Hodgetts 1995). These differences are not general differences. These differences are responsible for the company’s success and help it in making popular among the general public. The products of the company become known to the customers because of these significant differences and they are responsible for the growth and revenue of the company (Bartlett et al). The marketing strategies also differ between various firms and countries on the basis of the strategies used to market the products. The differences between countries occur because of alterations in the market structures among various countries with respect to the transactional costs. Differences also occur on the ground of capital availability and resource utilization. The difference in the market size is also very important. Marketing strategies differ across firms due to differences in the extent of market diversification and market stability of the firms. They differ according to the number of customers for the product and because of the market allocation for the product. The firms have set up in their respective locations because according to â€Å"Dunning’s O-I-L† framework, the assets which these companies possess are ownership specific and location specific. Though, they are available to all the firms, yet they are unique in nature and help the company to establish a difference for itself. This criterion of Dunning is based on the eclectic paradigm. The assets can be tangible like manpower, capital, etc. or intangible like technology, marketing, etc. Global, International, Multinational Transnational Firms As the companies grow and develop, there category changes and they become international, global, multinational or transnational firms. As time passes, their product category also changes. Global Firms consider the world as a single integrated unit with centralized scale intensive manufacturing. Through world wide diffusion and adaptation, these companies exploit the parent company’s knowledge and capabilities (Dunning 1993). International Firms take the overseas units as offshoots of domestic strategy. Here the core competencies are centralized and others are decentralized. It builds cost advantage through global scale operations (Dunning 1993). Multinational Firms consider the world as a portfolio of national opportunities. They are self sufficient and decentralized. Through strong resourceful national operations it creates a response to national differences. Transnational Firms comprise of all the above three firms. They are dispersed, interdependent and specialized. They have flexibility, global efficiency and great learning capability. Different Corporate Strategies The corporate strategies of the MNC’s differ across different locations as the Government policies and regulations are different in different countries. The goals and the means to achieve them differ according to the customer size and the market adaptability in different countries. The collaborations with the local partners also create a difference in the corporate strategies because they also have their company’s policies and requirements. It also differs according to the company law of the respective countries. The terms and conditions of the local partners differ, which causes significant variations in the corporate strategy (Dunning 1993).. Innovations in MNC’s Innovations are a growing trend in today’s world and MNC’s are successful till they maintain their innovativeness and creativity. Innovation does not necessarily come from the home country but it can also be sourced in the local country. The MNC’s hire the employees of the local country so it can be possible that innovations are from the local country. Government and the MNC’s There are differences among the MNC’s about the Government policies and regulations. Government’s encouragement or inhibition for the oil and gas industry depends on the type of country and the requirement of such an MNC in the country. There are also significant differences across various locations for the involvement of Government in the MNC activities. This depends on the need of the country to grow and develop and also on the economy of the country. This can also be explained with the help of â€Å"Dunning’s O-I-L† framework. The Government involvement depends on the asset availability of the country which is location specific. Social Cultural Factors The MNC’s are also affected by social and cultural factors of the local country. They have to conduct the business according to the conditions in that country. The products should be manufactured according to the needs and requirements of the people. The cultural and social sentiments of the people should be taken care of. For example, when Mc Donald’s started its business in India, it made beef burgers. But this was failed in India, as it was against the cultural, religious and social sentiments of the people of India, because Indians worship cows so they would never prefer a beef burger. But many a times it happens that MNC’s also shape the social, cultural, political and even the legal framework of the local country. The people of the local country many a times adapt to the products of the MNC’s. For example, Pizza Hut, Dominos, etc. have totally changed the eating habits of the people wherever they have spread their business. The dressing style of the people changes, e.g. Indians started wearing western style clothes. They also convince the Government to make its legal policy flexible to suit their business conditions because the country is being benefited by the MNC’s. The role of WTO in MNC activity WTO and regional trade agreements influence the MNC activities in many ways. The fundamental principles of WTO are non discrimination, free trade, encouraging competition and extra provisions for less developed countries. Through non discriminatory trading system, all the MNC’s are provided with their rights and obligations to be used while performing their operations. Each country and MNC receives fair exports and fair treatment in the markets of other countries. It provides responsibilities regarding implementation of agreements, technical cooperation and increased participation in the global trading system. These agreements help in removing trade barriers and duty free access. It also helps in protecting industrial property rights and dispute settlement. The trade agreement system helps in promoting peace, provides more choices of products and qualities (Cherunilam 2005). Export processing zone refers to one or more specific areas of a country where some of the normal trade barriers are ruled out and bureaucratic necessities are let down in the desire of attracting new business and foreign investments. This zone also refers to the manufacturing centers, which are labor intensive involving the import of raw materials and the export of factory products. This zone is of great importance for the operations of MNC’s. Geography of production The linkages in the value chain also differ around different locations. The relationship between the various functional processes is different at different locations. The spread of production differs according to the spatial distribution. This differs according to the elements of the value chain. The working of the functional processes affects the production. It differs from firm to firm because the functional units like finance, marketing, etc. differ across firms and across various locations. So the firm’s production differs according to geography as the resource availability differs from place to place. Also, the human resource management, organizational structure and managerial responsibility differ between the firms and locations. These are not the same at all the places and with all the firms. The manpower availability differs from place to place and from firm to firm. Because of workforce diversity, human resource management differs and is not the same at all places. The organizational structure also differs because of each firm’s policies and regulations. The managerial responsibility is different depending upon the size of the firm and its working. It also depends upon the strength of the organization, type of business it deals with and the amount of work done by the organization (Cherunilam 2005). MNC’s also hire local people for key positions because its not possible for the MNC’s to hire people from the home country as it is a time consuming and costly affair. Instead of doing so, they can spend money on the training of the people in the local country. The Country Subsidiary Manager is responsible for the administration and management of the MNC in the country. He helps the MNC to recruit highly efficient and energetic people. He also helps in the growth and development of the MNC along with marketing its products. Comparison and Contrast between the Indian Market and Chinese Market for Exxon, BP and Shell The strategies in both the countries will be different for all the three companies i.e. BP, Exxon and Shell. The business environment, culture and traditions of both the companies differ from each other. The customer requirements, economic growth, political and social environment and legal obligations for both the countries can be compared and contrasted. Comparison CEOs of global energy giants BP, Exxon Mobil and Shell are thrashing out their plans with Indian companies and state government officials to pump dollars into 5 states Orissa, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal and Gujarat. The oil and gas giants (Exxon, Shell, BP), can enter the Indian market through Joint Ventures with the Indian companies like Reliance or any ONGC. To establish joint ventures with Indian companies for manufacturing, all the 3 companies should track the key trends and survey the competitive environment in the oil and gas industry, which will enable them to maximize their returns in India (BP, Exxon Shell may invest in 5 Indian states 2008). Currently, Indian conversion kit markets are overflowing with duplicate and inferior quality products. Manufacturers must devote adequate resources for research and development to create world-class offerings that stand apart from the competition. Producing less expensive, lighter, and stronger fuel storage tanks could help the companies establish a leadership position in the marketplace. Reinforcing innovative products with strong after-sales service will allow companies to establish a brand image (Indian Automotive Alternative Fuel Conversion Kit Markets 2001). The entry strategy for China will be different. In China, the companies can enter through Merger or strategic alliance with a Chinese oil company. The companies should do a detailed study of the Chinese market to enter into strategic alliance with the Chinese companies, their growth patterns and their position in the market. As the entry strategy in both the companies will differ because of their business environment; similarly, business strategies would also differ on the following grounds. Firstly, the customer ratio and demand differs in both the countries. China has more population than India, so it has a large consumer market than India for these companies. Secondly, as compared to China, the price hike in petrol is more in India, so the companies can earn high revenue in India (Cherunilam 2005). Thirdly, China’s economy is growing at a much faster rate than India’s economy. Fourthly, the income level in both the countries is different. Middle class population is high in India. The per capita income of China is more than India and even the disposable income in China is more. Nowadays, BP is focusing on an eco-friendly campaign, which can be a great success in India where pollution is a major problem. This way, it can easily attract customers and become popular. Fifthly, the culture of both the countries is different, which affects the strategies of the companies. India is a country of diverse cultures and customs, so people with different thinking and values are found in India. But China has cultural unity, so the values and traditions do not differ across the country. This is good for advertisement and publicity to the people. Sixthly, it is also the political and legal environment that plays a crucial role in any business. A company cannot ignore the political situation and legal formalities either in the home country or in the host country if it has to operate successfully abroad. There is a quasi-federal-form of government in India and democracy is the rule of the country. Whereas China is a communist country, so the political setup can make a difference to the strategies. Also, the legal environment differs from country to country. India’s market has easy access and there are no strict regulations for the trade. In India, after the liberalization in 1991, most of the sectors are opened for foreign companies. Foreign Direct Investment is increasing rapidly. FDI policy is liberalized and 100% investment is allowed, whereas in China, there is not so much liberty for foreign companies. Only, a limited number of foreign companies can establish themselves in China. Contrast There are several points of similarities that affect the strategies of the companies in both the countries. Both the countries are in a developing stage and follow collectivism. Collectivistic culture tends to embrace interdependence, family security, social hierarchies, cooperation; and low levels of competition (Cherunilam 2005). As such, the Chinese and Indian society historically focuses on social interests and collective actions, and de-emphasizes personal goals and accomplishments. Also, the people of both the countries are dominated by foreign products and import items. Conclusion Thus, from the above discussion about MNC’s, it is concluded that they differ across different locations in terms of their resources, working, legal framework, etc. They also affect the culture and social life of the people of the local country. References Bartlett et al. Building Layers of Competitive Advantage. Europe: McGraw Hill Companies Inc. BP Global: About BP. 2008. [online]. [Accessed July 19, 2008]. Available from World Wide Web: BP, Exxon Shell may invest in 5 Indian states 2008. [online]. [Accessed July 19, 2008]. Available from World Wide Web: Cherunilam, F. 2005. International Business: Text and Cases. New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. Dunning, J. H. 1993. The determinants of MNE activity. In Dunning, J. H., Multinational Enterprises and the Global Economy: 76-85. Addison-Wesley Pub. Co. Exxon Mobile Corporation. 2008. [online]. [Accessed July 19, 2008]. Available from World Wide Web: Indian Automotive Alternative Fuel Conversion Kit Markets 2001. [online]. [Accessed July 19, 2008]. Available from World Wide Web: Ramaswamy, V.S Namakumari, S. (3rd ed.) 2005. Strategic Planning Formulation of Corporate Strategy. New Delhi: Macmillan India Ltd. Royal Dutch Shell: About Shell. 2008. [online]. [Accessed July 19, 2008]. Available from World Wide Web: Rugman, A.M. Hodgetts, R.M. (1st ed.).1995. International Business. New York, McGraw Hill Publishing Company. Appendix Generic Value Chain of OPERATION OUTBOND LOGISTIC MARKETING SALES SERVICE FIRM INFRASTRUCTURE HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT PROCUREMENT INBOUND LOGISTIC Secondary Activity Or Supporting Activities Primary Activities Source: Ramaswamy Namakumari 2005.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Analyzing the Marketing of Rehabilitation Goods & Services and The Dis

The Marketing of Rehabilitative Goods and Services by Gary L. Albrecht was written with the intention of giving its reader a better understanding of who has the most to gain in the business of rehabilitative services. One position states that the institutions benefit most, while others feel it is the consumer who has the most to gain. The main controversy discussed in this article is the usage of marketing strategies for rehabilitative health care institutions to increase sales and raise profit margins on service that was once provided pro bono. Another concern is with the amount of new equipment and ever changing standards of rehabilitation. Are consumers well enough informed or educated into making the proper decisions as to what care they need? Also, how do the poor, elderly, disenfranchised, and those who cannot afford healthcare receive treatment? Are patients receiving the best possible care for their ailments; or are they being exploited? These are the dilemmas on the issue o f rehabilitative goods and services. The Disability Wars by Timothy Kenney describes the nightmare of becoming physically disabled to the point where one can no longer work and care for their family. It also talks about the hardships of and problems brought about through the use of medical benefits and collection of social security. Both articles will now be analyzed more closely and possible resolutions to each of these issues, marketing of rehabilitation goods and services, and the disability wars will be discussed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The main issue with the marketing of rehabilitative goods and services deals with, the new wave of marketing strategies and promotional ideas implemented to increase sales and profits of the health care institutions. This rehabilitative service, which was once provided to those in need pro bono, is now recognized as a commodity. Due to the increase in the elderly population and the popularity of sport, there are more people with disabilities than ever before. Thus an influx in the supply and demand has been created and the market for rehabilitative services exists. With more patients than the normal health care provider can care for, new institutions are being erected all across America with their sole purpose in rehabilitating the disabled. One such facility is the Rush-Presbyterian St. Luke’s Medical Center in Chicago. This medical ce... ...y.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The moral and ethical questions that are raised in this article have to deal with insurance companies and social security alike having the ability to deny claims as they please, leaving people with serious medical conditions out there with no support when they need it the most. Another big controversy with social security is the fact that people pay into it for so many years and when it comes time for social security to pay back, they just deny the claim and send you back to work. But once the ill person returns to work the social security payments are immediately deducted from their checks again. A possible solution for this problem is to have the CDC and FDA get together and make a list of acceptable diseases and syndromes that will be covered by social security and then provide assistance to everyone who falls into the acceptable categories. It is understandable that the insurance companies are in business to make money, however the Social Security Administrati on should not. They should be required to pay back out to those who have paid in. Some legislation should also be passed as to how insurance companies can disseminate amongst valid claims.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

College Pressure Essay

William Zinsser’s in his essay â€Å"College Pressure† published 1979, describes the pressures Yale students have economic, parental, and peer/self- induced. He says that these pressures make students afraid to take a risk and to try to take different paths. He wants them to believe in themselves and to try to enjoy their time in college. I have been a student at Reedley Community College for two years and the pressure I experience as a student and a mother are different from that the Yale student experienced. The first pressure that Yale students and I experience is economic pressure. Zinsser explains that in the 1970’s â€Å"tuition, room, and board at most private colleges comes at least $7000† (par.12).He also explains how much pressure Yale students are under, that â€Å"even if the [student] works part time during school and full time during the summer†, but accrue $5000 in loans after four years, loans that the [student] must start to repay w ithin one year after graduation† (par.13). Then, Zinsser goes on to say that no matter how hard the student works he or she will be under pressure to pay back all the money he used. I relate to this pressure, but in a very different way. Although the cost of school for me is relatively low, I have four kids that are away at college. Having four children needing help with tuition and books puts a lot of financial pressure on me as a parent. Also, having six kids in general, three of which are girls, is expensive regardless. The country’s economic disparity has left personal finances tight and puts me under a lot of pressure to make sure my kids have everything that they need and that all bills are paid. Another pressure William Zinsser’s mentions is parental pressure which Yale students and I feel but slightly different .It refers to the amount of pressure students get from their parents. The students are being torn between pleasing their parents and pleasing themselves. Zinsser’s mentions that â€Å"often times students are walking to labs as though they are walking to the dentist.†(par.15) Students are taking on majors in a course of study that they do not necessarily like, however, in order to keep their parents happy they take them on. They are under pressure because they want to please their parents but they’re unhappy they want to do. Because they aren’t doing what. Because I am an adult this pressure does not really apply to me. However, I do feel the pressure from my children. My children expect me to get good grades, as well as maintain everything in the house. When dinner is not made on time because of my homework, my children get upset. They also complain about laundry not being done quickly enough. Although they support me, their expectations of me put me under a lot of pressure. The final pressure that Zinsser mentions is Peer/ self-induced pressure which are a pressure that Yale students and I apply on us. Students apply unnecessary pressure on them by comparing themselves to their peers. Zinsser mentions that a student he calls Linda â€Å"who came in and said she was under terrible pressure because her roommate, Barbra was much brighter and studied all the time.† This student is a perfect example of making an unnecessary comparison which stresses her out. This pressure leads to students over work them-selves. â€Å"A professor will assign five-page papers†. â€Å"Several students will start writing ten-page papers to impress him.†(par.27). Instead of just following the guidelines of an assignment they are trying to shoot above and beyond the requirements. I can really relate to this pressure because I do add a lot of stress on myself. I immediately assume everyone is doing better than me which makes me work harder, but at the same time it causes me to over work myself. I have to make sure all my kids need are done, and then I stay up late to make sure all my school work is done. This pressure affects me negatively because I add a lot of stress on myself that does not need to be added. Instead of focusing on my growth academically. I am always worried about who is doing better than me in class. A couple of ways I am trying to manage my stress is by making daily and weekly to-do lists and putting the most important at the top and working my way down. It’s a great way to manage my time as well. Being that I am a mother of six, my stress level seems like it’s multiplied by seven and I need to be able to put some of that stress aside and finally focus on my schooling since my oldest is twenty-two and my youngest is thirteen. Another great way I make stresses more manageable is by keeping procrastination to a huge minimum. If work that is assigned gets gradually done before the due date, it won’t all pile up the night before causing you to panic. Stress always piles up and it occurs more than any of us would like, but it shouldn’t be a reason to fail. By overcoming these pressures, we become stronger at the end.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Forces That Shaped the Mi’Kmaq Relations with the Europeans

What forces shaped the Mi’kmaq relations with the Europeans? When the early settlers of the Americas arrived on the East coast of what is now Canada, they discovered a people that was remarkably different from their own. First impressions would deem these people as â€Å"uncivilized† (source) â€Å"savages† (source) who lived â€Å"miserable lives† (source). However, as time went on the settlers began to realize just how deeply rooted this Aboriginal culture really was.The Mi’kmaq lived a simple nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle, able to recognize the stars and changing of the seasons leading them to a variety of different sources of food dependant on the season. Culturally they were a spiritual group, one that believed to live with the earth, not off the earth and practiced ceremonies to show appreciation of what the land gave them. Together they shared this land. Individually they were free to pursue their own life path without restrictions, resul ting in several sexual partners, homosexuality, marriages and divorces.They were a mostly peaceful people, preferring the act of gift giving over warfare which they only resorted to when deemed necessary. To the Mi’kmaq warfare was never used as a way to gain territory like their European counterparts but rather a way to seek revenge for wrongdoings. (paraphrase source) As the early European settlers and the Mi’kmaq people began to become familiar with each other, they found some common grounds in these values and learnt to peacefully coexist with each other creating a positive relationship built on trade, alliance and friendship.However, as time went on Mi’kmaqs values and very means of survival were challenged when settler population increased, warfare between the British and French ended with British officially claiming the territory through several treaties and were eventually backed up by the influx of Loyalist century. When the first French settlers began to arrive to the area the Mi’kmaq were optimistically curious of them. They viewed them as fellow man, as equals, who brought with them gifts of useful utensils, tools, alcohol, and weapons. source) The Mi’kmaq were quick to ceremoniously return the favor to their new friends, sharing with them their knowledge of the land and giving them furs. The Mi’kmaq who roamed over a large territory saw no harm in allowing the small French population of (HOW MANY? ) to settle in the Bay of Fundy region. (Wicken print off – 95-96) The similarities and differences between the Mi’kmaq and French people both helped improved relations.Differentially, the Acadians were sedentary and relied on agriculture and livestock for food, which worked well as the Mi’kmaq were able to continue their nomadic hunting gathering lifestyle undisturbed. Similarly, they shared a commonality in spirituality. Although they believed in different versions they were fascinated by e ach others beliefs and some Mi’kmaq were actually drawn into Catholicism and baptized(HOW MANY? SOURCE). Trade furthered improved relations as time went on the Mi’kmaq would reach a point of dependency on European goods.Evidence of improved relations can been seen in intermarriage between the two groups (HOW MANY? SOUCRE) Initially the Mi’kmaq had a much larger population and were never threatened by the settlers, mainly seeing them as a friend with many benefits economically, culturally, and at times militarily (EVIDENCE OF MI’KMAQ FRENCH FIGHTING TOGETHER IN EARLY SETTLEMENT YEARS) They continued these relations for about a century, with only minor conflicts erupting every now and then, but nothing that would seriously jeopordize their relationship. source). Over that century the French population remained quite low and numbered only about half of that of the Mi’kmaq population. This advantage acted as almost a power in which the Mi’kmaq a ble to preserve their ways and not give into French pressures to fully convert to Christianity or to living a sedentary agricultural lifestyle. This would all change when the Acadian population began to increase. (NUMBER OF INCREASE AND SOURCE) As the Acadian population increased so did tensions between the Acadians and the Mi’kmaq.As the population in Acadian grew so did their need for more food. In order to get more food they needed more land that they could use to farm with. The Acadians would take land near the ocean which they could use to fish and also they cleared forests which destroyed the habitats of animals which the Mi’kmaq used to hunt. The Mi’kmaq were therefore forced to look elsewhere for food. There were reports of some Mi’kmaqs who were forced in land looking for food, actually taking livestock from the Acadians.Threats would go back and forth over this growing tension. The Acadians would report these incidents to their council, but the council wise in noting that the Mi’kmaq were still in a majority choose not to punish them for their actions, preffering to avoid conflict and simply reimbursing the lost goods out of their own pockets. Evidence again can be demonstrated in intermarriage between the two groups as only one aborniginal women has been recorded as marrying an Acadian over (time period).The growing population in British settlements would be seen as alarming for the Mi’kmaqs who had a much more negative view of these settlers. Unlike the Acadian settlers a strong relationship had not been formed over the last centrury. The British were invasive and they shared very little in common with them. – Ramsay cook argues that the first European settlers were intent to civilize the so called savages through agriculture, technology, religion and language without realizing that these people were already civilized, just in a different way. In the early 18th century, the Mi’kmaq were a semi -nomadic peoples, who moved around the land freely according to the seasons. This lifestyle allowed them to live independently outside of the French and British querrals choosing for themselves when to go to war and when to agree to peace. -As conflict between England and France intensified in the 1740s tensions between the Acadian and Mi’kmaq populations grew.